Dealing with a coworker catching you at a restaurant while calling in sick: What to do?

It’s a situation that many of us dread: calling in sick to work, only to be spotted out and about by a coworker. Whether you’re genuinely ill and just needed some fresh air, or you’ve taken a mental health day and are trying to recharge, it can be a tricky situation to navigate. The fear of being perceived as dishonest or unprofessional can be overwhelming. So, what should you do if you find yourself in this predicament? Let’s explore some potential strategies.

Assess the Situation

Firstly, it’s important to assess the situation objectively. Did your coworker see you and acknowledge you, or did they just pass by? If they didn’t see you, there’s no need to worry. If they did, consider their relationship with you and your boss. Are they likely to mention it? Remember, not everyone will automatically assume the worst.

Be Proactive

If you’re worried about the situation, it might be best to address it proactively. This doesn’t necessarily mean confessing to your boss. You could approach your coworker first, explain the situation, and express your concerns. This could help to clear up any misunderstandings and prevent the situation from escalating.

Be Honest

If your coworker does bring it up with your boss, or if you feel it’s best to address it directly with your boss yourself, honesty is usually the best policy. If you were genuinely sick, explain that you needed to get out of the house for a bit. If you took a mental health day, be honest about this too. Mental health is just as important as physical health, and it’s important to take care of yourself.

Learn from the Experience

Regardless of the outcome, use this experience as a learning opportunity. If you were genuinely sick, perhaps next time you’ll choose a less public place to get some fresh air. If you took a mental health day, maybe you’ll be more open about this with your boss in the future. Remember, everyone needs a break sometimes, and there’s no shame in taking care of your health.


Being caught by a coworker when you’ve called in sick can be a stressful experience. However, by assessing the situation, being proactive, and being honest, you can navigate this tricky situation with professionalism and integrity. And remember, it’s important to take care of your health, both physical and mental. So don’t feel guilty for taking a day off when you need it.