This soup is what my daughter makes my grandson Mario. It smelled so good that I decided to do it for us. She puts the piece of chicken breast that corresponds to her and does not put the carcasses on it, nor does she put salt on it. The rest he does like me, she crushes the breast with the vegetables, and then adds the soup, cook and ready and Mario zampa every impressive dish, he loves it! this is great This soup is a fine soup, so you can understand it better, it is a clarita cream to which soup is added. I hope you liked it and prepare it ...
  • 1 package is wonder soup
  • 1/2 small pumpkin (if it's a medium size)
  • 1 small leek
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 chicken carcasses
Put a casserole on the fire with about 2 liters of water. Wash the chicken carcasses and add them to the casserole. Clean and wash the leek, scrape the carrots and peel the pumpkin. Cut the leeks and carrots into slices. Cut the pumpkin into pieces and add everything to the casserole.
Let everything be done over medium heat for 1 hour or so. Remove the casings and discard them. Remove the vegetables from the blender with a little of the broth and crush everything. Strain the broth taking care not to burn yourself. Add the crushed vegetables to the broth.
Pn again the casserole with the broth and with the crushed and incorporated vegetables. Add two puffs of marvelous soup and a little salt. Cook the soup for 15 minutes over medium low heat. Remove the casserole from the heat and let stand for 5 minutes. Then it serves very hot.